The Bungalow

Created by vicky 15 years ago
I think it was in 2000 that Mum & Dad decided to accept the offer of moving to a bungalow as Teresa had flown the nest. The bungalow needed a lot of work doing, but Dad loves decorating and gardening so it wasn't a problem. Pretty soon they had it all done, it's very cosy. They were quite settled there and it was only 10 minute walk from my house. Next door but one lived Sema, the best friend anyone could wish for. Sema and Mum love to read, they would swap books and Sema would also bring Mum to bingo. After a few years as neighbours Sema's marriage ended and she moved to Ruddington with new partner (now husband) Dave. I remember one day Sema rang screaming down the phone, her cat Weller (God Bless him) had bought in a bird. Sema had locked the cat & bird in the bedroom and rang me to come up. Mum was at mine at the time, we got in the car and whizzed to Sema's. When we got there I went in the bedroom but couldn't find the bird. we lifted the bed up and suddenly this poor little sparrow flew out onto the window sill. I tried several times to get it but couldn't I was scared, then Mum just calmly walked to the window and cupped this little bird in her hands. We took it to the vets but sadly it died. We laughed about it after as Sema and I were both nervous and jumpy and Mum just made it all look so easy. A few wks later Sema invited Mum & Me up for coffee, it was a lovely warm day and we sat in the garden just talking and chilling. Mum told me she really enjoyed that day, just wish we could have had many more. Dad was and still is not one for visiting anyone whereas Mum loved to socialise. Although Mum liked living at the bungalow she missed the family gatherings as there were just too many of us to all fit in her tiny living room.