Bingo & Hobbies

Created by vicky 15 years ago
When Mum moved to the bungalow, we decided to go to Bingo on Monday's at the local pub. Mum was never a drinker, she drank orange. Though I can remember the odd time we would persuade her to have a port & lemon at xmas. She would only have one and it would instantly go straight to her head. At the bingo they did a game called the 'snowball' this would increase wk by wk. Mum would sit next to Anthony and help him mark his card. I remember the night Mum won the 'snowball', it was over £400 then she won a few games on top and landed up going home that night with over £500. When she got home Dad said to her 'what are you smiling about' and she said 'look what I've won' and threw the money up in the air laughing. She couldn't believe she had won so much. Money was always tight and Mum struggled to make ends meet when we were growing up. In the later years Mum's money worries diminished. Finally she was in a position to treat herself now & again. She loved her little trips into town, she would treat herself to a new top. The blouses and fleeces she owned was unbelieveable. She would take her book to town with her and have an hot chocolate somewhere and read her book. She also loved to buy herself jewellery, we use to laugh and say she was like 'Mr T'. Mum always wore a St. Christopher, she said they keep you safe. Books were a passion of hers, she read Catherine Cookson, the library at one time was like a second home. Mum liked to do knitting too, if anyone was pregnant out would come the needles and wool. The TV too was a favourite, Mum liked her soaps, crime programmes CSI and quiz programmes. Music..... rock n roll was her favourite. Mum never played sad/ ballads it was always jolly and lively music, something to tap your feet to she would say. She liked quite a lot of other music too... 60s, 70s and up to date stuff. I remember her buying 'Crazy Frog' from Asda and we had it on the car stereo all the way home. Mum also liked to collect bells, at the last count she had over 100. She would scour the local car boot looking for them. Now Dad has the task to clean them all and not one is out of place.